Wednesday, March 21, 2012

More House Progress

The carpenters are busy and moving along quickly.

Rafters are up on house, mudroom and kitchen.

Backside of the house, master bath is to the left and the kitchen L is to the right.

Full view of the backside of the house.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The gable ends are up on the house!

Monday, March 12, 2012

A House of Course!

I have been delayed in posting our pictures, and now that walls are up, we are fast speeding forward.  The weather has been soo cooperative, and certainly helps us get to where we are today.
Pic's from the end of Feb:
House with walls

View of the shop 

Fast track to today's progres:
The interior walls are up, and beams are up for the second floor.

View of the back of the house with mudroom to the right and the kitchen to the left.

And finally the back of the house.  The shop is to the left and the kitchen is the gable end to the right.  I hope the next pictures will be of the second story.